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Information about client HR-Belastingdienst.

Over 25,000 professionals work for 500+ clients across Europe through HeadFirst Group. Are you also looking for a (new) assignment? On our platform Striive, you will find a daily updated offer of more than 20,000 assignments.

As an intermediary, HeadFirst provides access to the entire flexible labor market for the HR-Tax Authorities. We offer them a choice of the best professionals and ensure complete administrative processing after a successful match. With each client, we agree on the desired method that suits their hiring process. On this page, we share information about the submission process for assignments with the HR-Tax Authorities and fulfilling an assignment with this client.

Responding to an Assignment

The assignments with the HR-Tax Authorities are mostly suitable only for professionals employed by a supplier. Occasionally, freelancers (self-employed professionals) can be offered for some requests, but this is only allowed if explicitly stated in the request. Furthermore, the Tax Authorities do not work with a portal; offering professionals to the Tax Authorities is always done via email.

You can respond to an assignment with a CV; it is important to note:

  • Government experience is almost always requested or is certainly a plus.
  • CVs must be submitted without personal details (no date of birth, address, photo, etc.).
  • Adhere to the rate (within the specified minimum and maximum). There is also a fixed margin of €1.99.
  • Dutch CV and Dutch-speaking professionals.

Assessment of CVs

Our Recruitment department reviews all CVs and sends each professional a substantiated rejection or the message that the CV has been forwarded. For the HR-Tax Authorities, usually 1-2 CVs can be submitted per intermediary. If the CV has been forwarded to the HR-Tax Authorities, the professional is placed on the shortlist. The HR-Tax Authorities hiring desk assesses whether the CV meets the requirements and forwards it to the hiring manager or rejects it. This process usually takes 5 working days.


Upon approval by the hiring manager, an interview follows. The hiring manager contacts us to arrange an appointment. We then coordinate the desired time with the professional. This interview can take place on-site or online (via Teams). If the interview is on-site, please bring valid identification with you. If the interview is online, we ask if the email address can be shared with the hiring manager so that an invitation link can be sent.

Assignment Award

After the interview, the hiring manager decides which professional gets the assignment. We then process the award in our platform Striive and our Contract Management department creates a file for the professional. Both the professional and the HR-Tax Authorities need to provide various documents, with the steps clearly indicated in Striive.